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(Please discern this warning in context with the messages contained in the Book 'Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory')



Saint Michael speaks:

I come today at Her request to make known the intention of this intense suffering …

This suffering is befalling upon you for what has come to be known as the ‘vaccine of diabolic nature’[235]. The ‘diabolic’ is man playing God. Men who have become accomplices with Satan’s plan to destroy God’s elect! Catholics and Christians will perish under this vision of Satan as Martyrs and inherit an Eternal Crown forever - like the Saints gone before you. This suffering is for this vaccine and to be understood for those who will embrace it under the pressure of wanting to belong in the world and not understanding the Salvation of their Souls[236], for they will not heed the warnings already made known and being made known now! This suffering will buy (back) these Souls who have the intention to embrace the vaccine and thereby becoming Satan’s advocates.


Know and understand: The Blessed Mother, Our Holy Mother, Mary a Virgin always, will come to receive it[237] at the last hour of this day which marks the entrance also of a new day, the First Saturday, tomorrow, the day being the 5th day of the 12th month of the year Two Thousand and Twenty. I am here as you invoke me to protect you.”


… And now St. Michael shows me how the adversary is watching all over …

… and I will destroy and confuse his vision for you and for God’s plan … and he is showing me now how Satan is plotting now to bring as if the Holy Trinity - the anti-God “trinity”. And yet it is the same spirit of Satan in the World: To confuse Catholics and the teachings, the magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church, Catholicism! Amen.


“I am Saint Michael here with you this day as Our Blessed Mother will hold you in moments … The nausea that you will experience is the nausea that pregnant women experience, and it is at this stage that the children are aborted to take the tissues necessary for this vaccine[238]. These tissues are in contradiction to the Medicine made known by your Blessed Mother, the Spiritual and Natural Remedy, as it has come to be known, containing - what will destroy evil and the evil intent in the Temple of God, the human body - that is Holy Water and Blessed Salt with the prayers and power of the Catholic Church, in the personified Christ, His priest obedient to His Bishop and obedient to the Holy Father. Amen.”


The vision closes, and I see no more, only the words:

“Saint Michael who stands in the Presence of God, here before you this day, and with you. Amen.” (First Friday of December, December 4th, 2020)




Our Lady is dressed in a deep blue, sky blue garment, and yet as Our Lady Mediatrix of all Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate, She has the pearl white Rosary in Her right hand, and the Scapular in Her left hand. She has Jesus suspended in Her Immaculate Heart. In the Monstrance is the Holy Eucharist. The two Keys of Peter are below the Monstrance. Her internal garment is white. There are stars all over Her external blue garment. Under Her feet is the moon She is standing on. The serpent is under Her foot, Her right heel.  Our Lady bows in greetings, and She smiles at us. And She speaks:


“My beloved children, I thank you for preparing yourself for Me by reciting the Holy Rosary which pleases Me much and brings much consolation to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart which is in agony and pierced by so many arrows of ingratitude and even lashes to deny Me as the Mother of God, I am She, for God has willed it so for your sake and for this perverse generation; yet my children, I come to warn you against what has come to be known as ‘the vaccine[239].


There are many vaccines being prepared, yet this one which holds the ‘tissue’[240] of the foetus of an unborn child, aborted for this reason, is a horrible and outrageous offence against God! This is done by Satan himself who desires to play God and be “god” in your world!

Be aware now he is mocking the Holy Trinity by coming in three persons[241]: the antichrist, the antipope and his spirit, playing as though the Divine Holy Spirit, by sending out false prophets and false messengers to torment the mind of God’s elect, even … and yes, he is using the Word of God, the Holy Bible, which he has disfigured for his purpose[242].


I come to warn you, My Beloved Children, through this little one of Mine and My Jesus, Cleophas, who suffers for this cause this day, at My request, made known through the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, Saint Michael, who will defend you against these forces when you call on Him and even send out the Heavenly Army to guard you, whose Commander He is, for God has appointed Him such!


I come now to warn you, as a mother would warn her children: You are in great danger should you ponder on accepting this form of belonging to Satan, once you have accepted it and received it[243], you will come under the power of his rule, rejecting God yet as though doing everything for God. You will do this by first rejecting the Holy Father, the reigning Pope Francis I, My Beloved Chosen Son, who is suffering many offences against Him and His papacy. You will come under Satan’s rule to reject the Holy Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church, and even be the persecutors of God’s elect! Many of you all will be of the same household[244], some will choose God, and some will choose Satan, under the antichrist and the antipope, Satan’s spirit of the World.


Know and understand I long to gather you. When you choose to reject this form of evil that is placed before you, you are making the choice of following the Eternal Promise with Jesus My Divine Son, the true and only Christ, Jesus Christ, your King of Eternal Glory. You will come under His Kingship and dwell in His Sacred Heart. You will come under the Queenship of The Immaculate Heart, and dwell in My Immaculate Heart, as you are now doing – to those who have embraced to respond to praying the Thirty-Three days Consecration to my Immaculate Heart, preparing yourselves for the Birthday of Our Lord Jesus. This birthday will be a unique one. By that you will understand when it approaches. Many will rejoice and many will weep! Amen.


… Now, I desire with great desire that you return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Confession, and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, for the days are coming when, once more, they will deny you by closing the churches.

I am your Heavenly Mother. I will not abandon you! Stay faithful to your Consecration to Me, as now many of you are responding to My request. My Spouse, the Holy Spirit, will direct you. Be attentive to Him by being silent. And follow the direction He makes known to you, even though it seems so far!  God knows best. Rid yourself of the world and all its pleasures, come into the conformity of simplicity and moderation and preparation for the barter system. The barter system is a way of love for one another and sharing when one has less of one item with the other, or even simply sharing with those who have none of such - that is necessary to sustain the basic bodily needs. God will provide, worry not! Only worry as in a joyful worry of sustaining your spirit and dwelling in My Immaculate Heart, and through Me into the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


You will understand what I mean by these words of Mine in the days ahead. I love you dearly, I thank you immensely!

I am your Heavenly Mother, awaiting to be proclaimed on Earth as Mediatrix of all Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate, I am She in Heaven, that I may bring God’s gift and all that is necessary for you to undergo these moments of persecution. It is known as the persecution of the Christians, yet the highest level of persecution will be that of the Catholic Church.

I love all My beloved children of all faiths, Christian faiths. I am still their Heavenly Mother. They have yet to understand My love for them. Amen. (First Friday of December, December 4th, 2020)




Our Lady speaks:

Now, little one of Mine and My Jesus, I will receive this suffering, and this will be for those who have stood to be ignorant about the understanding of the vaccine[245], and will impart this Grace upon them, giving them the chance to choose where they were already decided in their thinking.


I will also rescue many of those women, my beloved daughters, who have subjected themselves in this mass understanding of aborting their babies and becoming the slaves of Satan! I will rescue them from this slavery by imparting upon them the Grace to know that this is evil, and through the Heavenly Hosts, with its Commander Saint Michael, I will bring them under the protection they are in need of, and hide them from him[246], and recover them to be Children of God.


Know and understand, the most devastating method used now to abort children is what has come to be known as the ‘laser technology’, where those women, My beloved daughters, have been lured. Catholic women have been lured into understanding that their bodies will not be disfigured, and yet they will be sterile and no longer be able to have children, for which they were created.


There are other methods and Satan, the adversary is luring all into believing that it is the manner in which they can be happy and have children. Children are God’s continuity for the humankind. Children who God is the author of, will be the Children of Light and those who Satan, using God’s creation, has made himself the ‘creator’ - what does not belong to him to bring forth – will be the children of darkness[247].


Be aware of this, beloved children! Many of you whose wombs the Lord has closed for a time -understand there is a reason - do not seek such methods and become Satan’s advocates! I come to warn you against this, and those who have embraced such will easily choose the Satanic world and deny God the right[248], who created them. All this for false happiness!


I now thank you for allowing Me to bring forth this word, little one of Mine and My Jesus, for cooperating with the Divine Spirit, even though you are much troubled and much anxious, for you do not give all to Me quickly. Only entrust all into My Immaculate Heart, and My Divine Spouse will guide you. I love you dearly, I thank you immensely, little one of Mine and My Jesus, Cleophas. Amen. (First Friday of December, December 4th, 2020)




Our Lady speaks:

“Little one of mine and My Jesus, … yes, it is next Friday you will endure this suffering, once again for “the” vaccine[249]. You will understand its necessity, especially for the faithful that they may understand what has come to be known as the vaccine containing the aborted foetus[250]. God will demand a life for a life. It is not to restore their life but to destroy their life that Satan has put this (vaccine) forth.

Yes, there are other vaccines being developed. Wait for them, should you desire a vaccine. Know and understand the simplicity of My medicine known as the Spiritual and Natural Remedy in the simplest form to understand how to fight this battle. And those who will embrace this vaccine[251] knowing its content, will enter to be demonic advocates! Know and understand such demonic advocates need to be exorcised when they turn from evil and turn to God. Today in your world, you are lacking priests who will take on this mission to exorcise the demon from many who are possessed by him already.

I warn you, do not embrace such a demonic power! It is not about restoring your life; it will destroy your life and even your health!

Turn to God, turn to Me. Am I not your Mother who loves you? I am here to help you, and I will help you as the Mother of God, as your Heavenly Mother and Mediatrix of all Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate in Heaven. When you invoke me under this title, I am able to restore you both spiritually and temporarily. Only trust in God through Me! I will take you safely into the Heart of God, My Divine Son Jesus where all rest, and into the bosom of your Heavenly Father whose Love Jesus is in your World. And you are in need of Him in the Holy Eucharist. I thank you immensely! Amen. (Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, January 1st, 2021)




Saint Michael steps forward and He speaks:

“I am Saint Michael, who stands in the Presence of God, appointed to protect God’s elect, here before you, little one of Jesus and our Blessed Mother, Cleophas, our beloved sister - and you beloved of The Beloved, Felix Xavier, our brother - today suffering for your world especially for the Catholic Church, for the Hierarchy who are rendering decisions not in the order of God - who are rendering decisions in the understanding of the vaccine containing the aborted foetus of an unborn child, made in the image and likeness of God, aborted like in the days of the killing of children in the land of Mexico[252] - today preparing to worship Satan, yes, the faithful, even in the Hierarchy! This form of diabolic war will bring the Catholic Church to ruin - that is the structure! Yet the Church will stand, in the Domestic understanding of the Underground Church. Know and understand, this is in preparation to overthrow the Holy Father, His hour is coming!

This vaccine is to prepare - even the faithful who will embrace it will no longer be faithful but will pledge their fidelity to Satan and will join the movement thinking they are faithful to the Catholic Church - the anti-christ movement, to overthrow the Holy Father and to allow the anti-pope to sit on the throne of Peter.

You are entering the threshold of the second birth pang and this vaccine will bring laxity and infidelity, even among the Religious and the Priests. Many will fall away, and as though form their own Orders from the Orders they are serving. Many Orders will close down! This is what now is intended in the second birth pang.”

… He pauses … and He speaks:

“Be not afraid, be not troubled, only make known - with total trust and full confidence in our God who is God - what has been made known to you and stand tall. This is the hour now you are preparing for and keep your fidelity by your Consecration in the morning, and your fidelity to the medicine that has been made known to you as the Spiritual and Natural Remedy, of taking it three times a day. It is like to be made known now as a Tonic that will strengthen you against these forces. Amen”. (2nd Friday of the month, January 8th, 2021)




Saint Michael speaks:

“Know and understand now, beloved children, you must make known to the children, your beloved brethren who live in the cities, that this is the hour now that they must come away from the cities, for power will be given to the adversary to torment all those in the cities. Many will fall away, and many will die as Martyrs, and those who will heed this call, will not only save their bodies but their Souls.

Know and understand you are entering very, very, very heavy moments, yet I am with you, Saint Michael, with all the choirs of Angels. Make known the recitation of my Chaplet, and you will understand its meaning. Amen.”

… He pauses, then He speaks again:

“The Holy Mother will come at the conclusion hour of this day to receive this suffering which you are enduring in a tranquil state and yet you will feel the immensity of the weakness of your body throughout this week. That is to be understood, the consequences in which it will lead to the state of one’s body, when one takes the vaccine[253] – ‘one’ referring to the Soul of the faithful. And this will bring deterioration of the body and will subject them to the Laws of the death culture known as Euthanasia, for their bodies will no longer be able to function in a normal state. And the law implemented will now be used against them. These are even babies, youngsters - that I am seeing … now a vision is being presented - all kinds, it is not just the elderly … even the strong who want to save their bodies will lose it in this manner.

The vision closes and Saint Michael continues to speak, after pausing.

… I love you dearly, I come on behalf of the Mother of Our God, who is here before you, and who has commanded Me on Her behalf. I will protect you, only invoke Me!

I am Saint Michael, Servant of Mary, always a Virgin, Mediatrix of all Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate in Heaven awaiting to be proclaimed on Earth. Pray, pray, pray for your Holy Father, much prayer! Amen.”

The vision again reveals Saint Michael holding the baby as He rises, the little aborted baby and the scales of Justice.

“The Justice of God will stand against all those in the understanding of … A life for a Life! Amen.”


The vision closes, I see Saint Michael no more, our Altar returns. I see Our Blessed Mother no more, but Her Presence is here. Amen. (2nd Friday of the month, January 8th, 2021)




… Saint Michael is present here … This time He comes with the sword in His right Hand, and the sword is over His Head ready to strike, and He has the chain in His left hand, ready to bind, and He takes His position up, in front of Me toward my left-hand side, closer to you my husband, but above you.

Mama comes: She has been here all along, but only now presents Herself. She is dressed in a navy-blue garment, with an internal white garment. Her Hands are joined with the Rosary draped around Her fingers, with the Scapular also, as in Our Lady of Fatima statue at our home. She spreads Her Hands, and I see the Chalice in Her Immaculate Heart. The Chalice is overflowing, and the Blood of Jesus is descending upon the Souls right now, of whom She is ransoming. And this suffering is united now to that Suffering of Jesus for these Souls. And as this Blood flows now, today all the Holy Sacrifices celebrated everywhere on Earth by the Priests, valid Priests in the Catholic Church, valid, obedient to the Holy Father and obedient to their Bishops, those Bishops and Cardinals that are not in fallen state - those in fallen state of Grace are exempted for not being obedient - but obedient to the Holy Father, today the reigning Pope His Holiness Pope Francis I.


Saint Michael now comes forward and He speaks:

“I am Saint Michael the Archangel, who stands in the Presence of God, once again this day presenting Myself before you, little one of Jesus Our Divine Saviour and Our Blessed Mother, Cleophas, beloved sister.

I have come now to receive the suffering you have endured, its merits - to ransom the Souls that Our Blessed Mother will lead me to - and to bind Satan, who is inflicting them with confusion - those of the Hierarchy who desire to follow God and have repented for even thinking of accepting the vaccine containing the aborted foetus of a child made in the image and likeness of God. Now Our Blessed Mother will receive this suffering. I present before you Our Sorrowful Mother - agonizing for what will come to be! Amen”

… and He steps back.

Holy Mama comes forth, standing on a little cloud. The moon is under Her, and under the serpent that She crushes. She bows in greetings to us, and

She speaks:

“Little one of Mine and My Jesus, Cleophas, I thank you, I thank you immensely for consoling My Sorrowful Heart, which is so afflicted by the arrows that are piercing It, of those in the Hierarchy who once were faithful and now have rejected Me and rejected the teachings of the Magisterium of the Holy Catholic Church!

Know and understand, this day, through this little suffering of yours, I will ransom many who desire to not follow those who have decided to become unfaithful. This I speak of the Hierarchy, those in different Orders - Religious Orders - many Priests, and many of the Churches who will lead the faithful astray in their thinking, of accepting this vaccine which now will bring about what Satan is waiting for … Ah!!! … Oh, my heart is heavy … to set into place mass, mass murder! That this abortion now will rise to a higher scale and human cloning will become the trend of the new man, the new world, as he[254] is planning to do so - the one world order, the one world government, the one world religion – that God will allow.

Yet you, My beloved children - I speak to all of you - remain faithful through your consecration to My Immaculate Heart, entrusting all into My Immaculate Heart, consecrating yourselves, your families and all that you have to My Immaculate Heart!  In this way I am able to protect you against these forces! Here, many of you will undergo martyrdom, and yes, many of My Priests who will take the stand to reject this form of healing and restoration of human life[255] will undergo martyrdom.

Pray, pray, much prayer for your Holy Father! A terrible weight will befall him in the days ahead, for many in the Hierarchy in the Vatican will try to persuade Him to think differently in the terminology … Oh, what is that Mama, my eyes are burning … known as the ‘Pilgrim Church’.  (2nd Friday of the month, January 9th, 2021)




Know and understand, God’s ways cannot be changed. God’s Truth stands as Truth! This Truth must be upheld to uphold each child made in the image and likeness of God. Amen.”

“Now, little one of Mine and My Jesus, Cleophas, you will fall into a very deep sleep in the hours of the new day. This sleep is necessary, it is like the withdrawal of an anesthetic, and then when you wake up, you will feel pain in different parts of your body which will leave you weak. Be on guard, and carry out your duties slowly and lightly, only those that do not strain the body. I will be with you through this week. I thank you, and I love you, little one of Mine and My Jesus.”

… Now She pauses and speaks again:

“I also desire with great desire to thank all those praying for you, who knew about this moment that you would undergo this day. I thank them immensely! I bless them for keeping in solidarity with you, to undergo this suffering to ransom Souls back, and I accept all their intentions that they have also placed as they pray for you, and I will help them!

I desire with great desire only to make known to remain faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Magisterium, the Holy Catholic Church, founded on the Rock, known as Peter, today the reigning Pope, His Successor, Pope Francis I. Pray for Him! Pray also for the hidden Pope, His Holiness Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, carrying the Church in these times through His suffering and prayers.

I Am the Mother of God.

I Am the Mother of all humanity.

I Am Your Heavenly Mother, Mediatrix of all Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate in Heaven, interceding for those who invoke Me under this title, awaiting to be proclaimed on Earth. Through your prayers it will come to be.

I love you all dearly. Amen. “

The vision closes. I see Holy Mama no more. (2nd Friday of the month, January 9th, 2021)



[235] This message does NOT condemn vaccination against Covid-19 but offers a disapproval of a very specific type of vaccine amongst the many vaccines that were tested at the time, namely, the vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted foetuses in its research and production process. This message offers elements of spiritual discernment. Please see the moral and doctrinal discernment that is given in the 'Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines’ from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of 21 December 2020 as well as the Message of 8th January 2021 in this book.

[236] The message of January 1st, 2021 also tells us about the negative effect of this vaccine on health itself.

[237] Iveta’s Suffering.

[238]  This is in reference only to the Vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process. See footnotes 235 and 236.

[239] This is in reference only to the Vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process. See footnotes 235 and 236.

[240] This message seems to be related to the use of a cell line, generated from fetal human kidney cells, extracted from the remains of a voluntary aborted fetus.

[241] See Rev 13,1-17.

[242] See Luke 4,1-13.

[243] This is in reference only to the Vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process. See footnotes 235 and 236.

[244] See Luke 12, 52-53

[245] This is in reference only to the Vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process. See footnotes 235 and 236.

[246] Satan.

[247] This is regarding Human cloning.

[248] … of being the Creator.

[249] This is in reference only to the Vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process. See footnotes 235 and 236.

[250] This message seems to be related to the use of a cell line, generated from fetal human kidney cells, extracted from the remains of a voluntary aborted fetus.

[251] This is in reference only to the Vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process. See footnotes 235 and 236.

[252] See the Apparition of Guadalupe, Mexico.

[253] This is in reference only to the Vaccine that uses cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process. See footnotes 235 and 236.

[254] Satan

[255] This is in reference to Human cloning and to a whole new world vision.

See Article on 'Ethically compromised Covid-19 Vaccines: A Vector For Spiritual Harm?

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Church of St Simon and St Jude, Ganxim, under Our Lady of Guadalupe (Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe) Parish, 
Batim, Tiswadi, Goa Velha, Goa 403 108 India.

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