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As we all get through these troubling times of the Covid-19 pandemic, we face moving Into a ‘new normal’ as governments begin to lift restrictions, keeping some in place and introducing new measures to quickly detect and mitigate any Covid-19 virus reappearance.  Safe distancing and heightened hygienic practices would probably be the last to go among the current safety measures, unless of course a proven and effective vaccine comes along.


So as we, children of God, get accustomed to this new culture of social interaction and possibly a contactless mode of functioning – be it at retail stores or in gatherings, our faith and hope yearn for better things to come.  We must however follow government directives in mitigating and reducing viral load with the aim of eradicating this scourge with effective treatment and vaccine for prevention. In doing so, we have to relegate the ‘human touch’, an ‘embrace’, ‘closeness’ and ‘face to face’ communication to something of the recent past.  Societies are now gradually opening up to find themselves thrown into a psycho-social and financial conundrum.


So as a child of God, what is our posture in all of this? How are we to respond? Is it time to re-adjust our lifestyles, consider the prophetic predicted times and walk in the ways of God?


In this time of the pandemic or plague, it would be worthwhile going down Biblical history, to study to our benefit, how God’s children managed such moments of crises! The word ‘crisis’ in Japanese translates to the double word: ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’. So in every crisis there is an opportunity to be found!




Let us consider the Israelites - when Moses led them out of Egypt from the hands of Pharaoh. In their walk with God, the Israelites (God's people or children of God, in today's context) grumbled and put God to the test. So, the Lord sent venomous snakes among the people and many of the Israelites were bitten and died. In Ezekiel 20:21, we read: “...the children rebelled against Me. They did not walk in My statutes or carefully observe My ordinances--though the man who does these things will live by them--and they profaned My Sabbaths. So, I resolved to pour out My wrath upon them and vent My anger against them in the wilderness". So, then the people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned by speaking against the LORD and against you. Intercede with the LORD to take the snakes away from us.” So, Moses interceded for the people. Then the LORD said to Moses, “Make a snake and mount it on a pole. When anyone who is bitten looks at it, he will live.” (Numbers 21:7-8).


The 'snake mounted on a pole' in the Old Testament is a prefigurement or shadow of Christ, 'the Son of Man who must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life (John 3:14-15)


The design of the medical profession's emblem or symbol- the serpent upon a pole – comes from this Biblical verse found in Numbers 21:5-9. We know that Christ, the greatest Physician, has control over disease and death. It is to Him, that we should turn for deliverance during this Pandemic- He who came to take over our sins, guilt, condemnation and even disease through the Cross and to bring us to everlasting life.


Just as the Israelites were struck with a 'plague' or 'crisis' and responded with acknowledging their sins and ‘looking to the serpent on the pole’, which translates to putting their faith in Jesus Christ on the Cross, in the New Testament - they were saved!


Undoubtedly, we are living in the days of Zechariah 13:7-9:" “humanity will reach the summit of corruption and impiety, of rebellion against God and of open opposition to his law of love" and we need to repent and put our faith in Jesus Christ, Our Saviour and Redeemer. This should be our posture today. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 we read: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. The pandemic lockdown is a good opportunity to bring God into our lives and give Him back first place, his rightful place.




In 1916, the world was in the midst of a terrible war—the war that was to end all wars—World War I. Pope Benedict XV made repeated but forlorn pleas for peace, and finally in May 1917, made a direct appeal to the Blessed Mother to intercede for peace in the world. Just over a week later, Our Lady began appearing at Fatima to the three shepherd children. During her apparitions she asked repeatedly for the prayer of the Rosary, especially for peace, and promised an end to the war, and indeed the war ended in 1918. These are just some examples of how whole nations and peoples have been spared because of the faithful willing to say “yes” to our Mother in Heaven and do what she asked us to do. She has given us the strategy to defeat all the evils of our times from the comfort of our own homes.


In Vietnam, fearing the spread of Catholicism, the Cảnh Thịnh Emperor restricted the practice of Catholicism in the country in 1798. Soon thereafter, the emperor issued an anti-Catholic edict and persecution ensued.


Many people sought refuge in the rainforest of La Vang in Quảng Trị Province, Vietnam, and many became very ill. While hiding in the jungle, the community gathered every night at the foot of a tree to pray the rosary. One night, an apparition surprised them. In the branches of the tree a lady appeared, wearing the traditional Vietnamese áo dài dress and holding a child in her arms, with two angels beside her. The people present interpreted the vision as the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus Christ. They said that Our Lady comforted them and told them to boil leaves from the trees for medicine to cure the illness. Legend states that the term "La Vang" was a derivative of the Vietnamese word meaning "crying out". Modern scholars believe it comes from the ancient practice of naming a location for a genus of a tree or plant native to the area, La meaning "leaf" and '"Vang "herbal seeds".


In 1802 the Catholics returned to their villages, passing on the story of the apparition in La Vang and its message. As the story of the apparition spreads, many came to pray at this site and to offer incense. In 1820, a chapel was built. On June 19, 1998, Pope John Paul II publicly recognized the importance of Our Lady of La Vang and expressed desire to rebuild the La Vang Basilica in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the first vision.


Just as Moses interceded for the Israelites in the Desert in times of peril, so does Mary, the Mother of God intercede for us, if only we come to Her and seek Her intercession.





Our Blessed Mother has through the Visionary Iveta Fernandes given the World a 'Spiritual and Natural Remedy' for this current Pandemic. Iveta has been chosen by Divine Providence to be an 'instrument' through whom God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary wishes to make known His Salvific Plan for Our World in these times. This is in the context of the predicted times and the strategic role of the Immaculate Heart in obtaining peace for the world through the fulfillment of the Fatima Message and the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma.


On 25th March 2020, the Holy Father, Pope Francis I, called upon all Christians in the World to join him in reciting the 'Our Father' in praying for an end to the Coronavirus scourge. In a vision to Iveta that day, Our Blessed Mother urged Her children to "Rise beloved children - rise with Me reciting the Holy Rosary and We will make a speedy end to this evil (referring to the Coronavirus) that God has allowed for you to understand the first birth pangs of the Great Apostasy". This message is also prophetic, as it speaks of the Great Apostasy foretold in Holy Scripture in the second letter of St. Paul to the Thessalonians. Let us not be victims to this Great Apostasy. At Fatima, Our Blessed Mother did warn us that a time would come when the true faith would be lost. Our Blessed Mother also foretells us of a schism in the Catholic church that will take place. The Chastisement of communism will soon come that will deprive everyone of all they possess. The Church will be persecuted. For this reason, Our Blessed Mother manifests herself in numerous ways to the Church to warn us and to lead us into the safe refuge of Her Immaculate Heart. 


In Her message to Iveta on 25th March 2020, Our Blessed Mother requests prayer for the Church leaders in this time of the Pandemic. Further, She releases ‘the medicine that has a 2 fold understanding…medicine that was used in ancient times for viruses in times of an epidemic. The first understanding is a Spiritual understanding. The Blessed Salt and the Holy Water must be blessed with the Prayers of the Church to ward off and to deliver one - of these evil spirits. The second is God's fruit given as medicine; the Onion - red in nature which has a tinge - one would call mauve, a deep mauve (purple) and Honey. These must go forth now to combat this terrible anxiety. It must go forth ........ Know and understand, the proportions are in this manner:  PLEASE CLICK HERE




As a Catholic sacramental, salt blessed with holy water (reminiscent of Elisha’s miracle) is intended to be an instrument of grace to preserve one from the corruption of evil occurring as sin, sickness, demonic influence, etc.


Here Our Blessed Mother gives us a remedy for the current pandemic. As in the case of all sacramentals, its power comes not from the sign itself, but by means of the prayer of blessing–a power the Church derives from Christ himself (see Matt. 16:19 and 18:18). As the Vatican II document on the Liturgy states (art. 61), both Sacraments and sacramentals sanctify us, not of themselves, but by power flowing from the redemptive act of Jesus, elicited by the Church’s intercession to be directed through those external signs and elements. Hence sacramentals like blessed salt, holy water, medals, etc. are not to be used superstitiously as having self-contained power, but as “focus-points” funnelling one’s faith toward Jesus, just as a flag is used as a “focus-point” of patriotism, or as handkerchiefs were used to focus faith for healing and deliverance by Paul (Acts 19:12).


As with the use of Sacraments, much depends on the faith and devotion of the person using salt or any sacramental. This faith must be Jesus-centred, as was the faith of the blind man in John 9; he had faith in Jesus, not in the mud and spittle used by Jesus to heal him.


“Almighty God, we ask you to bless this salt, as once you blessed the salt scattered over the water by the prophet Elisha. May this salt and Holy water sprinkled in this syrup of which we partake, drive away the power of evil, and protect us from all dangers always by the presence of your Holy Spirit. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen”. Holy Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin, intercede and pray for us.


As the Vision on 25th March comes to a close, Iveta beholds Archangel Raphael holding  “the scales this time and in it the medicine is in one end of it on my right and on the other end are those who believe. They are like incense coils and it reads: To those who believe it will bring forth fruit of healing, to those who do not believe it will bring condemnation, for they mock the Divine Spirit and it's Holy Wisdom and Understanding. Amen”. Again, we know from history that not everyone who calls on the Lord, is healed. So it’s important to study the will of the Lord and if you are one of those called to "participate in the sufferings of Christ that continue for His body, the Church"(Col:1-24), may you be blessed!


Furthermore, on 27th March 2020, Our Lady continues: “Why must it be in this manner? For God has given medicine of nature and man has chosen the chemical warfare - this virus is of a chemical warfare. I am the Queen of nature and as the Queen of nature I fight with this virus - with nature’s medicine – that God has given for mankind. Know and understand there are serious consequences of disobedience against God”. Here Our Lady is indicating that this Virus is man-made and goes against Nature and God’s intentions, hence the warning of serious consequences!


“Know and understand now this is all Mother of Nature of whom I am The Queen that you may know. I love you dearly, I am the Mother of God, the Mediatrix of All Grace, Co- Redemptrix and Advocate now at the same time asking you to petition the Holy Father to entrust all humanity to Me. I am The Mother of all Humanity and in ‘this’ crisis it must be understood that, Only I can help. I am your Heavenly Mother Who loves you dearly. I thank you my beloved children for praying through the intercession of my title: Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate, the Mother of God, I am She. Amen”.


We have been urged to recognise the gravity of these times and take cognizance of God’s Salvific Plan in this time in history. Of most urgent necessity is to pray for the fulfilment of the 5th Marian Dogma: Mary as “The Mother Of God, The Mediatrix Of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate”, so as to open the flood gates of Grace from Heaven to help us endure the persecutions and sufferings of these times of the pandemic and ahead. Amen.


To purchase Mediatrix of all Grace Medals, Scapulars and Iveta's new Book 'Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory' please visit our online shop. Thank You.


Church of St Simon and St Jude, Ganxim, under Our Lady of Guadalupe (Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe) Parish, 
Batim, Tiswadi, Goa Velha, Goa 403 108 India.

an image of Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory

'Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory' Free online read in English, French and Italian.

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